Sketch by Angeliki Salamaliki
Hello! I’m George.
Video Editor and Web Designer from Athens, Greece. I have more than 15 years of experience in Video Productions for YouTube videos, promos, music videos and corporate video tutorials and explainers. I also have worked for many years as a WordPress Designer, creating and optimizing professional websites.
My Skills
Video Editing
Web Design
Video Editing
Adobe Premiere
Expertise in Video Editing and Audio Syncing
Adobe After Effects
Expertise in animated text and graphics
Adobe Photoshop
Expertise in photomanipulation
Web Design
Wordpress Design
Expertise in development with "Elementor Pro" tool
Coding Skills
HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP
Responsive Design
Making sure your site will be accessible in all devices
Sketch by Angeliki Salamaliki
Video Production

Web Design | Development
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